Master of Arts (MA) Degree in Grof Studies

Our Master of Arts program is open to a spectrum of disciplines and interests, focused around Grof’s extensive lifework and research. It will help you to develop safe and effective practices to explore your own psyche and to support the deep exploration and healing of your clients. We will guide you in pursuing original research for your thesis.
By fostering your own personal growth and education, our Master’s program will help you to find your niche in guiding and supporting others and in teaching Grof’s important work in the social and academic worlds.
We will guide you through every stage in the process. You will be required to take several core courses and will also have the freedom to design the rest of your program in consultation with us. Students can select elective courses either from our suggested list or from another training or college. This means that if there is a course you need to take that is offered through another institution, you are free to do so.
Partner Degree Arrangement With Ubiquity University
We have a Partner Degree arrangement with Ubiquity University. We offer all the Grof-specific coursework, for a total of 16 credits, after which students receive a certificate of completion from us. They then top up their remaining degree requirements with Ubiquity University.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Degree in any field (transcript with proof of graduation is required) or equivalent.
Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Director and Registrar, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.
This MA Degree is composed of 30 credits:
Core and elective courses (20 Credits)
Thesis (10 Credits) - 50-80 pages
Required Core Courses (10 credits):
You will be required to take three core courses and you pay for all courses as you go. Payment plans are available.
Grof Studies: Stanislav Grof’s Research in Deep and Effective Psychedelic Therapy and Self-Exploration (Fall 2024)
4-week course beginning October 20, 2024 (Noon - 1:45 pm Pacific time followed by live Q & A)
With Renn Butler, PhD, Jay Dufrechou, PhD, Mari Castle, PhD, and staff TBA
www.grofstudies.com/courses (Includes four additional recorded classes from last year)
$325 USD ($285 early-bird rate until October 1)
2 academic credits toward a Ubiquity University degree
The Holotropic World View (Spring 2025)
4-week course beginning February 16, 2025 (Noon - 1:45 pm Pacific time)
With Renn Butler, PhD, Mari Castle, PhD, and guest teachers TBA (Includes four additional recorded classes)
This course will explore some of the most profound and influential writings of our time, including major books by Grof.
2 academic credits toward a Ubiquity degree.
Grof® Breathwork Training or Workshops (in-person experiential)
6 academic credits toward a Ubiquity degree. (Payment for these trainings and workshops are made to the event organizers, not to us.)
Partial credit for other breathwork and psychedelic training programs or experiential workshops may also be recognized, on a case-by-case basis.
Elective Courses (6 credits)
An additional 6 credits must be earned through coursework approved by the Director and Registrar. These may include courses offered by us or from other partner teachers, organizations, or colleges.
Here are several courses that we would highly recommend:
An In-Depth Exploration of Archetypal and Holotropic Astrology (Fall 2024)
22-week online course with Renn Butler, PhD and guest teachers
Begins September 28, 2024 (Saturdays Noon - 2 pm Pacific time)
5 academic credits toward a Ubiquity degree. This course is also available for non-academic students. For info please see: https://www.rennbutler.com/uucourse/
$595 USD
*If you have already completed this course with me, you will just need to write a 10-15 page paper and pay an additional $75 tuition.
The Power of Myth and Archetype (Fall 2024)
4-week online course with Mari Castle, PhD. November 12th, 19th, 26th, and December 3, 2024, at 2 pm EST.
Joseph Campbell firmly believes myths provide clues to our spiritual potential and that we should trust our inner guidance to understand the meaning of life not based solely on the external world but on the internal as well. Carl Jung's discovery of archetypes as images or symbols help us gain a deeper knowledge of the Self through identification. Together, along with holotropic states of consciousness, these powerful concepts can expand one's perspective to develop a deeper sense of wholeness. Cost: $198 or $150 if paid by October 1st.
1 academic credit toward a Ubiquity degree.
For information or to register: www.breathwork9.com/courses/. 2023 recordings are also available.
Sacred Retreat in Greece - Toward the New Eleusis: The Rebirth of the Archetypal Vision and Reunion of the Sacred Feminine and Masculine
A Workshop in Grof(R) Breathwork, Archetypal Astrology, and Visits to Sacred Sites on the Mythic Island of Aegina (followed by a four-day workshop in Athens).
October 13-20, 2024
Join us for this special seven-day retreat on the mythic island of Aegina, sometimes referred to as the Mother of the heroic Greek bloodline. This enchanting and storied island south of Athens is the home of timeless temples to Aphaea and Apollo, abandoned medieval chapels, ancient olive groves, epic mountain trails with stunning vistas, and picturesque beaches. Each participant will experience four Grof(R) Breathwork sessions, twice as a breather and twice as a sitter, with integration and sharing sessions. There will also be presentations on archetypal astrology and the transformation of Greek myths in our time, readings in nature of some of the greatest ancient Greek verse in both Greek and English accompanied by lyre, a boat ride to a special islet nature sanctuary, dancing to a live Greek band, ancient ritual dance performance to lyre, visits to a museum, relaxing picnics and walks by the sea, swimming in the ocean, strolls through the charming town of Aegina, and demonstration of Hellenic Archetypal Expression.
3 experiential credits toward a Grof Studies degree
Online Course: Death, Rebirth, and Embodiment of the Goddess in Greek Mythology (September 2024)
Course Description: In this course, we will discuss the profound concepts of ancient wisdom through Greek mythology and archetypes. We will explore specific Greek goddesses to understand how identifying with these archetypes can foster psycho-spiritual development of the Self. An examination of the concepts of death, rebirth, and embodiment will be described. We will better understand why reconnecting with ancient sacred sites can be powerful for self-transformation. A discussion on how uniting the masculine and feminine aspects within can benefit both individual self-growth and the collective consciousness of humanity.
​This course will be led by two sisters, residents of the island of Aegina, Eleni Skrekou, MA, MSc in Prehistoric Archaeology and Grof Studies student and Vasiliki Skrekou, MSc Consciousness & Transpersonal Psychology, Archetypal dancer and psychological astrologer, along with Mari Castle, PhD.
​DATES: Wednesday, September 4, 11, 18, 25 at 12p Eastern, ETD
COST: $198 – $135 (discounted option available until August 28th, 2024
Connecting Nature With Our Inner God and Goddess (Spring 2025)
4-week on-line course with Mari Castle, PhD in April of 2025. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a literary masterpiece about man’s search for immortality, the confrontation of death, and the destruction of nature. Five thousand years ago the Sumerian culture celebrated the Sacred Marriage fertility rite as a way of symbolically connecting man to the divine. We will explore how the symbolism of these closely connected myths have affected mankind along with C.G. Jung's balance of masculine/feminine, animus/anima principles.
Dates TBA - at 2 pm EST.
Cost: $198 or $150 early-bird rate.
For information or to register: www.breathwork9.com/courses/. 1 academic credit toward a Ubiquity degree.
Working with Natal and Transit Astrology Charts in Supporting Non-Ordinary State Journeys - May 14-19th, 2024
The first collaborative workshop between Grof Legacy Training USA and the Grof Studies Program at Ubiquity University, this residential retreat combines four experiences of Grof® Breathwork (two as breather and two as sitter) with training in the use of natal and transit astrology for deepening understanding of non-ordinary state journeys.
Whether you are an astrological novice or expert, this workshop will offer the opportunity to consider your own breathwork experiences through an astrological lens as well as the chance to learn from the experiences of your peers. We anticipate offering at least two tracks at the workshop, to facilitate learning for those completely new to astrology as well as those with experience. The workshop staff will include several archetypal astrologers who will guide small group discussions throughout the week, allowing understandings to emerge and deepen no matter your level of experience.
3 academic credits toward a Ubiquity degree.
Subtotal Tuition and Fees:
10 credits x $200 credit (or less) = $2,000 (or less)
(*this does not include tuition for any Grof® Breathwork training or workshops you may need to do)
+ $500 administrative fee
= $2,500 tuition to Grof Studies Graduate Courses
Complete this registration form.
And make your administrative payment of $500.
Required Core Courses Through Ubiquity University
As well as completing the 16 academic credits with us (i.e., Grof Studies Graduate Programs), students in the MA program in Grof Studies must complete 14 credits with Ubiquity University.
These are:
The Creative Journey to Dissertation: Finding Your Voice, Making Your Mark (Dates TBA)
Virtual Intensive with Gyorgyi Szabo, PhD and Melissa Pritchard, MFA
4 academic credits toward a Ubiquity degree.
Master's Thesis (60 - 75 pages)
10 academic credits
Ubiquity University Tuition and Fees:
Ubiquity charges $300 per Master's credit x 14 academic credits = $4,200
+ $800 administration fee
= $5,000 (subtotal to Ubiquity University)
+ $2,500 (subtotal to Grof Studies Graduate Programs)
= $7,500 total for Master's Degree in Grof Studies
(*This does not include tuition for any experiential Grof® Breathwork trainings or workshops you may do.)
Two Timelines for Pursuing Your Master's Degree
1) The first and ideal option is for you to register both with us (Grof Studies Graduate Programs) and Ubiquity University at the outset. This will enable you to take the important Creative Journey to Dissertation (or thesis) course early on, which will help you to appreciate your course work in the context of your upcoming thesis. If you sign up for the whole package up front, Ubiquity will offer you a discount of $100 on your first tuition installment to Ubiquity.
2) The second option is for you to do your course work with us (Grof Studies Graduate Programs) and then choose to complete your degree work with Ubiquity University afterward.
Link to the Grof Studies Landing Pages at Ubiquity